Progress can be made, without exceeding speed limits or riding like an idiot
Just to again extend my thanks to Shaun and Fletch (Warwickshire Police) for delivering my BikeSafe workshop back in April, which I have taken so much from.
Particular highlights being how Police Motorcyclists observe the road ahead. The commentary ride behind Fletch was truly mind blowing. Spotting an HGV over the crest of a hill, probably a mile away, allowing the prediction of slow moving traffic around the coming bends was incredible!
Tailoring my ride to the conditions, circumstances and hazards around me
As the day progressed, I moved my observation further ahead, commentated to myself as I went and I was amazed what I did pick up – both near and far.
The other big take away is the speed at which progress can be made, without exceeding speed limits or riding like an idiot – all done through better road positioning and better pre-emptive observation. Really enjoyed following Fletch through some lovely roads, all relaxed but making progress.
For me, BikeSafe represented a big advancement from middle of the road ‘Direct Access’ (DAS) riding to beginning to think and tailor my ride to the conditions, circumstances and hazards around me.
The only thing that did strike me was if I’d done this last year close after DAS, I may not have gotten as much from it. Certainly the positioning for cornering (particularly near side for right hand) would have felt unnerving, taking away a perceived safety net of the rest of the corner before the verge/ditch! Just those 12 months of riding, knowing I can get round a corner without any ‘panic’ and the additional takeaway of reading vanishing points correctly meant this was a huge area of progression for me, because I had a bit more confidence than fresh from my Module One and Module Two motorcycle training.
Otherwise, I’ve been telling anyone who’ll listen to get on this course. It’s brilliant, and run by people who as well as being incredibly capable riders, are decent folk who clearly care about bikers, our safety and importantly, ensuring we enjoy ourselves and still get home in one piece.
Thank you again and keep up the good work!
Gary Davies
Attended BikeSafe with Warwickshire Police – April 2022
Note from Sgt. Shaun Bridle (Warwickshire Police BikeSafe Coordinator): just checked and we only have one place remaining this season (21/08), but please join our waiting list and we will update you when new workshop dates are announced: