You are here: BikeSafe / Lincolnshire / Biker Breakfast 2024
Following the success of our 2022 event – Lincolnshire Police, and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership, are joining forces with BikeSafe, to facilitate the Lincolnshire BikeSafe Breakfast (2024) – an opportunity for local motorcyclists to attend a BikeSafe Observed Ride (taster), with the benefit of a free biker breakfast and hot drink for the first 150 bikers to book (breakfasts served between 9.30am and 3pm).
In 2022, your donations raised £2000 for Lives. This year, our nominated charity is Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance, a crucial charity that often serves the needs of local motorcyclists. Once you have booked your free observed ride and breakfast, we invite you to make an optional (but appreciated) donation to Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance. Those not wishing to book an observed ride (taster) are welcome to attend, with the option to pay for a breakfast on the day (subject to availability).
Book your two-hour time slot for your breakfast and observed ride. There will also be on site static exhibitions, and demonstrations from the emergency services and motorcycle groups.