Cambridgeshire Constabulary
You are here: BikeSafe / Cambridgeshire
Cambridgeshire Police BikeSafe is supported by Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Road Safety Partnership. The scheme operates at different locations across the force area.
Cambridgeshire Police BikeSafe team is made up of current advanced police motorcyclists, who between them have many years experience in the fields of roads policing and advanced motorcycling. The Cambridgeshire team follow the national BikeSafe curriculum, using video, power point and other presentation media to deliver the workshops. We offer the workshops over three evening sessions, or a one day weekend session, to try to match customers needs. Both of which are followed by a ride out.
BikeSafe workshops are delivered in a classroom. They are fun and engaging, and you are encouraged to fully participate and to share your own riding experiences. Following classroom workshops, you will return another day for a one-to-one observed ride with an advanced police motorcyclist.
BikeSafe workshop content
Cambridgeshire BikeSafe workshops are broken down into three main areas:
- Attitude to risk – Hazard management – System of motorcycle control
- Bends – Bend assessment
- Overtaking, filtering and group riding
The theory section of the BikeSafe workshop is completed on either three consecutive Tuesday evenings between 19.00 and 21.00 or a one day workshop from 09.00 – 16.00 which covers the same topics as the theory evenings. On arrival for week 1 you will be given a goody bag, containing the latest copy of the Highway code and some other useful items. On completing the workshops, candidates will complete a one-to-one ride out with an advanced police motorcyclist. This ride is a mixture of roads to test your skill and ability, and to give the police rider the chance to observe all aspects of your riding.
The observed ride is not pass or fail. An evaluation form will be completed for you to take away to assist you get the most out of your motorcycling and hopefully take you on to further training with an approved provider. The Cambridge team have good partnerships with the local IAM and RoSPA groups and from time to time they drop in to the workshops to offer their services to you, should you wish to take your riding development further.