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IAM RoadSmart

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About IAM RoadSmart

IAM RoadSmart offers advanced qualification through their Advanced Rider course. Courses are delivered by trained IAM RoadSmart volunteers (Observers) and facilitated via the network of IAM RoadSmart local Groups across the UK. And as a BikeSafe attendee, you can save 10% on the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider course.

Generally, it takes three to six months to complete IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider course, which involves sessions with an IAM RoadSmart Observer, followed by a test. Along with the initial course fee, which covers the sessions and test, participants are occasionally required to contribute to the fuel costs of the volunteer’s fuel, this varies depending on your local Group.

The progressive and observed approach leads to greater confidence, improved riding skills, enhanced rider safety and an opportunity to achieve the Advanced Rider qualification [read more]