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Merseyside BikeSafe

Merseyside BikeSafe is designed to improve rider skills and help lower the number of motorcycle rider casualties. We understand the risks and potential hazards from being a biker and believe that additional training can really help riders reduce the risk of being involved in a crash. By passing on our knowledge, skills and experience we can help you become a safer, more competent rider.

Riders from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) and Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) provide support with the delivery of our BikeSafe courses – helping you to increase your ability and confidence, so you can get even more enjoyment from riding your motorcycle.

Our presenters and observers are all bikers in our own time too with a good understanding of what makes bikers ‘tick’. We work closely with IAM Roadsmart and RoSPA (RoDAR) to deliver our workshops. We get great feedback from riders and hope to encourage riders to continue further training & get more from their riding.

Our two-day ‘Bridging the Gap’ workshops are run once a month between March and November in a relaxed, fun but interesting style from the Emergency Services Training College in Seacombe which also provides easy access to some great roads for our observed ride-outs.

wirral councilWhilst BikeSafe can be attended as a standard one-day workshop, we encourage all riders to join us for day-two – an optional free-of-charge skills-day, provided through the collaborative efforts of Merseyside Police, Wirral Council and local IAM/RoSPA observers. Having booked your one-day BikeSafe workshop, you will be offered an immediate opportunity to book day-two without charge. [read more | book workshop]

Day 1: BikeSafe workshop

After introductions and administration, (checking driving licence, insurance, MOT etc), your BikeSafe workshop will start with a classroom based session led by a Police Motorcyclist. With the help of an interactive DVD and videos, the techniques of advanced riding skills, based on the Police manual of riding (Roadcraft) will be discussed. This is an ideal opportunity for discussing the common causes of crashes.

There will be breaks for tea/coffee and lunch is provided. In the afternoon there will be an observed ride with either a Police Motorcyclist, or a Police approved Observer from IAM Roadsmart/RoSPA. Your observer will provide constructive feedback based on how to improve your riding. At the conclusion you will be given a full debrief together with a ‘goody-bag’ of useful items and we will send you a certificate of attendance via email.
[book workshop]

Day 2: Skills day (optional)

Whilst BikeSafe is offered nationally as a standard one-day workshop, Merseyside BikeSafe attendees can take advantage of a second skills workshop (free-of-charge) on the following day. This highly recommended opportunity to put into practice and build on skills learned on day-one is run though the collaborative efforts of Merseyside Police, Merseyside Road Safety Partnership, Wirral Council and of course the qualified IAM Roadsmart and RoSPA observers.

This second day will commence with a handover to the IAM Roadsmart and RoSPA observer team, with a recap of the Saturday session; first aid for motorcyclists (First on Scene). There will then follow an assessed ride-out which will take up the majority of the day. There will be a break for you to purchase refreshments at a suitable location, or you can bring your own. After the ride-out there will be a second full written debrief from your observer. To finish the day there is a presentation on ‘being seen’ and how human eyes and brain deceive us; common risks as well as how you can take your riding further.

Merseyside bikesafe skills day collaboration

PC Paul Cumberlidge Merseyside BikeSafeWe are proud to help local motorcyclists to upskill through BikeSafe. With the support of our road-safety partners, we provide a free-of-charge second (skills) day which naturally follows our one-day police-led BikeSafe workshops. We highly recommend learning the right skills through advanced training with IAM Roadsmart or RoSPA. Investing in this second day, will I promise be worth the investment of your time. I would go as far as saying that it could save your life – PC Paul Cumberlidge, Merseyside Police Motorcyclist.

Riders skills workshops with Merseyside BikeSafe
merseyside police motorcycles
Attend Merseyside BikeSafe with Merseyside Police