Northamptonshire Police
You are here: BikeSafe / Northamptonshire
Welcome to BikeSafe Northamptonshire. Some of the best roads for enjoying motorcycling are on our doorstep in Northants – with easy access to most of the UK. Unfortunately motorcyclists make up a disproportionate amount of road users killed or seriously injured due to collisions.
There are many factors that contribute to this but all too often the result is due to rider error. This might be inappropriate speed for the conditions, poor decision making or assessing a bend incorrectly – any of which could result in a collision. Due to the obvious vulnerabilities of rider and pillion passengers, the risk of injury is greater to motorcyclists than some other road users. The aim of BikeSafe in Northamptonshire is simply, to reduce collisions involving motorcycles!
It can be proven that the risk of being involved in a collision can be reduced by taking part in some form of advanced riding or driving. BikeSafe is intended to introduce participants to some of the advanced skills Police Motorcyclists achieve through their training and to encourage those who attend a workshop to undergo advanced rider training in the future.
Our workshops are delivered by experienced Police Advanced Motorcyclists, all of whom are also Advanced car drivers. Feedback we have received from previous participants is that the day is relaxed and friendly and whatever your riding history, there is always something to learn.
The day consists of an introduction to BikeSafe and discussions around some of the theories applied to motorcycling. We then go out on the road, normally two participants with each Police rider taking time to stop for lunch and a chat. The Police rider will be happy to provide feedback the participants riding before a final course debrief back at Police Headquarters.
We operate our one day workshops from Police Headquarters at Wootton Hall (NN40JQ) which is on the outskirts of Northampton and just a couple of minutes from the M1. We look forward to welcoming you on a BikeSafe workshop soon but don’t leave it long, the dates of our courses are on this website and tend to fill up quickly.
Northamptonshire BikeSafe workshop content
Workshops are open to anyone with a full motorcycle licence and we have no more than 8 attendees per workshop. Our workshops are held at our FHQ Mereway Northampton. We have a team of more than 12 trained assessors who are all Roads Policing Officers, who have completed both Police advanced car and bike courses. In addition to riding at work all are all passionate motorcyclists.
You will need to bring:
a) A road worthy bike in excess of 125cc
b) Your licence
c) Your insurance certificate
d) Your test (MOT) certificate
e) Appropriate clothing including an approved helmet and visor, boots with ankle protection, a motorcycle jacket and gloves.