RAF BikeSafe promoting safer riding and reducing road traffic collisions
I came away a better rider” – feedback from RAF BikeSafe workshops is hugely positive
“I came away a better rider” – feedback from RAF BikeSafe workshops is hugely positive
Feedback from Royal Air Force personnel who have attended a BikeSafe workshop has been hugely positive since the collaboration was launched earlier this year.
In June 2021, the RAF and BikeSafe joined together to provide 600 BikeSafe workshops free-of-charge to RAF motorcyclists. Since that announcement, a number of RAF personnel have taken advantage of the offer with the feedback from riders being overwhelmingly positive.
“This was an invaluable course and I’ve already felt that my riding has improved and that I am much more road-aware. I will highly recommend it to any of my military colleagues who ride,” said one rider.
“I was given advice which was extremely helpful having picked up a number of bad habits over the years and I definitely felt that my riding observation, positioning and speed awareness skills have improved as a result. I would absolutely recommend the scheme to anyone,” said another.
The BikeSafe workshops are split into two halves with the morning usually being in the classroom – watching videos and listening to presentations from serving police officers and experienced BikeSafe trainers. The second half is on the road where riders are observed and given the opportunity to use what they have learnt in the first half of the day.
“I did the observed ride out in Huntingdon and it went well ,” said another participant. I got A’s and B’s on the assessment and there was always an opportunity to listen and learn. Overall the course was excellent and I would definitely recommend it.”
“I attended the course in Lincoln,” said another rider. “It was excellent! I thoroughly enjoyed the day and came away a better rider. Highly recommended.”
National Lead for BikeSafe – Superintendent Kev Mulligan, said: “It’s great to receive all this positive feedback about BikeSafe from those at the RAF.
“BikeSafe strives towards a nationwide reduction of motorcycling casualties and the workshops we hold are crucial in our continuing efforts to improve rider skills and safety.
“I hope more people will sign up to our workshops next year. Whether you are a new rider or an experienced one, there is always something that BikeSafe can teach you.”
RAF Command Master Driver (BikeSafe Coordinator for the RAF) – Warrant Officer Gav Sayer, said ‘The provision of BikeSafe workshops for personnel across the Air TLB represents a commitment to road safety at the highest levels across the RAF.
“This recent BikeSafe RAF initiative has been fundamental towards promoting safer riding and reducing road traffic collisions, demonstrated by the strong uptake and reduction in RTCs.
“The feedback received from experienced and inexperienced riders alike is extremely encouraging and suggests that uptake for courses over the next three years could be equally popular. RAF BikeSafe workshops are funded by the RAF for personnel that meet the required criteria, please contact Air-Support-A4 MT CMD for further information.”