Staffordshire Police
You are here: BikeSafe / Staffordshire
Staffordshire Police are proud to be part of BikeSafe and are fully committed to promoting and delivering the workshops. BikeSafe will provide you with more knowledge to improve your riding skills and to assist in making you a better and safer rider. It is our hope that BikeSafe will encourage you to progress to formal advanced motorcycle training in the future.
Staffordshire (West Midlands) has some of the best roads for enjoying motorcycling and with easy access to surrounding regions and most of the UK.
Although we only have a small team of Police motorcyclists, this means we can only offer reduced numbers on each workshop, however this provides a more personal touch. Workshops are very popular and we receive positive feedback from all participants. So book early to avoid disappointment or join our waiting list.
Courses are delivered in an informal manner at Police Headquarters, starting at 8.45am with two theory elements delivered in the morning, utilising an interactive BikeSafe DVD to promote learning and discussion. We will discuss advanced riding skills and techniques based around the Police Roadcraft manual. After lunch there will be a 1:2 observed ride with a Police motorcyclist lasting two hours, including stops for feedback, aiming to conclude the day by 3.45pm. Tea / Coffee / Biscuits / Toilet breaks are provided.
We ride in almost any weather except thick fog, ice or snow, so bring appropriate clothing. Please ensure you have a full tank of fuel and either bring your own packed lunch or funds to buy your own food, facilities are available nearby. [book workshop]