West Mercia Police
You are here: BikeSafe / West Mercia
West Mercia Police are fully committed to promoting and delivering BikeSafe to riders from Shropshire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire. The natural beauty of the force area lends itself to motorcycle riding and our aim is to provide qualified riders with extra training that our small team of experienced police motorcyclist’s and qualified observers will deliver.
West Mercia have over a 100 serious injury collisions involving motorcycles every year and want to promote BikeSafe as one of our strands of education to help reduce the number of casualties. Riders from the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), provide support with the delivery of our BikeSafe courses. Hopefully you will be able to build on the experience and have a safer, more enjoyable biking future.
BikeSafe workshop content
After introductions and administration, (checking driving licence and documents), your West Mercia BikeSafe workshop will start with a classroom based session presented by a Police BikeSafe Officer. With the help of an interactive DVD, the techniques of advanced riding skills, based on the Police manual of riding (Road craft) will be discussed. This is an ideal opportunity for discussing the common causes of motorcycle accidents.
There will be breaks for tea, coffee and lunch. In the afternoon there will be an observed ride-out with either a Police Officer or one of the BikeSafe Observer team. In either case, your BikeSafe Observer will provide advice on how to improve your riding skills. At the conclusion you will be given a full debrief, a certificate of attendance and some BikeSafe merchandise. West Mercia BikeSafe is run throughout the year so suitable safety and protective equipment will be required before the observed ride out.