Fancy being safer, quicker and smoother while riding your motorcycle
Metropolitan Police Service BikeSafe team joined at The Bike Shed by Devitt Insurance friends & Influencers – TeapotOne (Motovlogger), LambChop (vlogger), Alan Dowds (Moto Journalist), R1Liz (Motorcycle Artist), Alexander Strange (Visordown Content Executive), Will Hatlapa (Lifestyle Photographer), Rav Wilding (TV Presenter), and Charlotte Barnes (Motorcycle Adventurer) + VC London. First-class ‘skills check-up’ for all concerned.
BikeSafe-London workshop vacancies:
Fancy being safer, quicker and smoother while riding your bike? Who wouldn’t, right? But how best to achieve that goal? There’s any number of training options out there these days, aimed at folk who’ve already passed their full motorcycle test, but are looking to take their riding skills to the next level.
You can spend time with RoSPA or IAM instructors completing their various advanced riding courses on the road, or you can explore more extreme bike handling techniques on race track-based schools. Some folk even plump for off-road training schemes, and learn their skills there. I’ve had a go at a few of these over the years, with varying levels of success. But I’ve never tried the Bikesafe scheme – a police-backed initiative to reduce motorcycle accidents across the UK.
It’s been up and running for about 20 years now, and is a bit unusual, inasmuch as it isn’t a traditional training course. Rather, it involves a bit of classroom learning, followed by a rideout, where your riding is assessed by an advanced police motorcyclist. [read more]